HacheBC Roars into the Year of Tiger: 2022
4 min read
It was quite a scare living through almost two years with the Covid-19 virus living amongst us. We even had to live our lives like never before constrained to only in our houses for months. Even if we had to go out for groceries, the fear of catching the virus from people around us is scary. Can be said almost everyone of us is associated to a person, a family member or a friend whom succumbed to this virus.

Whatever the circumstances of this virus spinning out so many different versions from beta, delta, ormicron and so on, life still needs to move on. Our everyday life needs to carry on and this means that mankind will need to adapt to the changes that Covid-19 brought along. These changes includes the way we do things, how we do our work and how we do business.

To be honest, we also felt the brunt of this Pandemic and that is why for year 2021, we decided to minimise expenditures, keeping liquidity in mind and invested into idustries such as Communications, Financials, Technologies and Reits; market industries we felt were at a bargain and waiting for a rebound.

Even though 2021 was a slow year, our portfolio for the year shows an improvement of 15.10% as per compared to the previous year. S&P500 index grew by 29.52% in the same year though. Even though not having the same traction as S&P500 has, our portfolio managed to beat Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index and Singapore’s Stock Exchange by 30.89% and 10.62% respectively. Overall, our portfolio grew a staggering 35.72% as per compared to S&P500’s 39.97%.

We are proud to declare that our Investement Portfolio is one of the highlights for year 2021. Beginning in year 2020, the portfolio grew from a par value of RM1.00 and then jittering down to RM0.89 and then back right up to RM1.07 at the end of the year. Beginning year 2022, our Investment Portfolio begins it’s initial value at RM1.21. We foresee our Portfolio to continue growing since we are in a post Pendamic era and businesses are beginning to pick up again.

Lately, we noticed that grocery stores and consumer packaged goods are experiencing an unexpected boost in sales. If your retail business isn’t experiencing a sales boost, perhaps it is time you rethink your business strategies. However for those in the hotels, airlines industries and tourism businesses are still experiencing unprecedented drops in business. It is going to be a matter of time when country borders fully opens up again. We anticipate a boost in this business sector soon.

Our second highlight of the year is the launch of Fatimah Chew Street Food at the end of year 2021. We highly anticipated this project after the success of Fatimah Chew Traditional Food with our Halal Bak Chang as the main feature. Our Halal Bak Chang is still selling well on Shopee and Lazada up to this day. We made sure that despite its’ delicious taste, technology must also be a big part of our Halal Bak Changs. We made sure that our customers received our Bak Changs still fresh despite being around the country and in other states.

Fatimah Chew Street Food is born from the idea of offering “long lost” Malaysian Chinese Hawker food which are slowly disappearing from the market. Apart from being Chinese hawker food, the food needs to be Halal and affordable which can be accessible to all. Another factor that we emphasize is making sure that technology coherent with current economic environment especially post pandemic. After the pandemic, we find that most business models are disrupted in fundamental ways. We made sure that we remodeled our business model to suit the current situation on how our service and information reaches customers.

It is too early to predict the success of our latest project: Fatimah Chew Street Food but we are already talking to a few other interested parties in opening other outlets in different locations and bringing this project to the next level. After all, who can resist an authentic plate of Char Koay Teow, Char Ying Yong, Wan Tan Mee, Chee Cheong Fun and many more which tastes as authentic as can be. We also made sure that we did not fushionise any of our dishes. We just left it at just “that” for our consumers to enjoy the “original” past.